The summer is coming to an end. Autumn is around the corner. So what should we do to prepare our gardens as the season is changing? Below are a couple of helpful tips of things to add to your to-do list.
Cover your furniture.
Though our rattan and Sunbrella cushions can be left out in all weather, save yourself some work in the spring and cover your set. You’ll find a build-up of leaves and mulch will gather on the set and though it won’t cause damage, it will cause you an easily avoidable chore.
Bring in Tender Plants
Any delicate plants that won’t survive the winter, replant them into pots in the greenhouse or the conservatory to keep them safe and happy over the cold months.
Sweep up fallen leaves.
As beautiful as fallen leaves are, they do encourage disease in plants, along with mould which can be harmful to your lawn. Be vigilant in sweeping them up. Why not start a compost heap ready for your spring planting. At home, compost can contain a lot more nutrients and saves you some money too!
Be kind to local Wildlife.
Birds can find it hard to find food over winter so keep those tables topped up. Why not invest in a window feeder such as this one so you can see the winter robins up close. Another animal that would greatly appreciate your help this winter is the Hedgehog. Our friends at Green Feathers have told us in their excellent blog post:
Unfortunately, wild hedgehog populations are quickly declining; they may even become extinct within the next 15 years. In the past 60 years, hedgehog numbers in Britain alone have dropped from 36 million to ONE million. The past decade has shown a decline of a whopping 40%. What’s going on with our dear little garden friends? One of the best ways to help is by placing a hedgehog house in a shaded position (entrance east to south-facing) in your garden. You can fill it with a handful of leaves, grass or hay to initiate a nest. Camouflage the box in sticks and leaves, as they like their comfy hidden shelter space. Hedgehogs usually don’t eat and sleep in the same place, so it’s best not to offer food inside the home, rather place it a bit away from it.
Do you have any other October tips for ourselves and our readers? Let us know? and do have a peek at Green Feather’s blog for more excellent tips on protecting our local wildlife.